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" In fact Character is always in agreement with the birth horoscope and the native does receive an Impression from the power flowing from the celestial bodies" - Alice O Howell

Astrology Menu of Services

Natal Birth Chart - $160

This describes Motivation and Drive The direction of your focus on how your family, business and love relationships are experienced from your perspective. How transits that are going on at the time of the consultation are effecting your life. support in understanding your unique journey.


Natal Birth Chart + 3 years of Solar Returns - $160

This is looking at 3 birthdays in a row to see how your journey is happening

Since one year moves so quickly into the next, we see how the years build on each other. Great for significant changes in Life.


Birthday Consultation - $160

Natal Chart, Transits, Solar Return and the Progressed Horoscope 

A complete consultation to review how all the symbols of astrology are working to manifest your greatest potential and supporting your needs.


Natal Chart & Health - $160

In being with the Chart around health issues a Mar-El healing is encouraged.

I support and encourage the patient in being present with whatever is happening. 

I use Transits, Progression, Solar Arc and Lunar Returns along with the Solar Return. The focus of this consultation is having the patient feel nourished and spiritually supported.


Relationship Horoscopes - $160

Synastry between two charts looking at each individual first to get acquainted with the needs of each person then exploring how the charts work together. Understanding a partner or loved one's chart opens the door for more compassion in our relationships.


Mari-EL Healing Session - $160

In entering a Mari -EL session I am open to the energy and feel nourished myself in participating in the healing. Comforting to slow down and release old patterns that are no longer useful. Letting our cells that store trauma release and  move out of the body. In creating some empty space patients receive information through dreams and just a clear knowing the direction they are going to take and a lightness and joy in just being.


Mari-EL for Hospice - $100

Mari-EL is a gentle, warm and loving energy healing for dying or ill people.

Comforting to relax and let go of worries about loved ones and their disease process. Connecting to relatives who have passed. who are often seen by the patient dying radiates safety and support for the community around the person. Helpful in accepting this stage of life.


Mari-El Distant Healing - $95

The client must request healing. This is an essential part of the processIt is important that the full name of the person requesting healing be used. Nicknames do not carry the true vibration of the individual. In the case of serious illnessdaily absent healing is recommended for a least a week, and after that two to three times a week as needed.

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© 2020 Julie Coughlan Astrological Counseling- All Rights Reserved 

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